ZIP - Washbasin mixer tap - bim

ZIP - Washbasin mixer tap

Publicado por Bertrand BEUDOT sobre 27/12/2018

Fabricante : Griferías Galindo

Catálogo Mezcladores

ZIP PLUS is a very balanced collection of proportions and perfect in its use. Presents gently curved and organic lines. It has a flowing ecosystem offering a remarkable water saving. Designed by the ...

ZIP PLUS is a very balanced collection of proportions and perfect in its use. Presents gently curved and organic lines. It has a flowing ecosystem offering a remarkable water saving. Designed by the Galindo team.

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baños bathroom fontanería grifería grifería con ahorro de agua grifería de diseño toilet
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Zip-Plus_monomando_lavabo_repisa_sin-desague_2145000.rfa808.00 KB Revit - 2018400 Bertrand BEUDOT
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OmniClass Table 23

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