LIVRA - Two-way built-in shower mixer tap - bim

LIVRA - Two-way built-in shower mixer tap

Publicado por Bertrand BEUDOT sobre 27/12/2018

Fabricante : Griferías Galindo

Catálogo Mezcladores

Contemporary and elegant, the Livra Collection caters to the needs of the modern user who loves design and choice spaces. Livra balances the forms by unifying body and handle in a single sculptural er...

Contemporary and elegant, the Livra Collection caters to the needs of the modern user who loves design and choice spaces. Livra balances the forms by unifying body and handle in a single sculptural ergonomic shape. This series presents an exclusive and unique design in the market. Designed by the Galindo team.

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baños bathroom fontanería grifería grifería con ahorro de agua grifería de diseño toilet
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  • Modelos 3D 1
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  • Classificações 5
  • Países de distribuição 11
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Livra_monomando_ducha_empotrado_2vias_4967400.rfa432.00 KB Revit - 2018400 Bertrand BEUDOT
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