FANGO Origami - bim

FANGO Origami

Publicado por Bim&Co Italia sobre 08/02/2017

Fabricante : Artesia

Catálogo Origami

Artesia introduces the new collection of stones featuring neutral and homogeneous colours, from pastel to dark tones, available in several new finishes with textures ranging from tangible to intangib...

Artesia introduces the new collection of stones featuring neutral and homogeneous colours, from pastel to dark tones, available in several new finishes with textures ranging from tangible to intangible. This ensures that the needs of modern architecture are met.

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ardesia fango muri origami piastrella pietra slate stone tile walls
  • Informações
  • Fotos 0
  • Modelos 3D 0
  • Modelos 2D
  • Documentação 3
  • Propriedades e variantes 0
  • Classificações 4
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