LOOK (Hidden linear diffusers) - bim

LOOK (Hidden linear diffusers)

Pubblicato da Raúl Galdrán da BIMETRICAL il 08/01/2018

Produttore : Madel


The LOOK hidden linear diffusers are designed to combine the aesthetics with the technical performance. They can be mounted in false ceilings hiding the frame with filler and leaving visible only the ...

The LOOK hidden linear diffusers are designed to combine the aesthetics with the technical performance. They can be mounted in false ceilings hiding the frame with filler and leaving visible only the slot. They allow the formation of diffuser continuous lines, with active and inactive areas, without breaking the uniformity of the whole.

Leggi più Ridurre
air air conditioning climatización diffuser difusor grilles hidden hvac lineales linear madel mep ocultos rejillas
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  • Modelli 3D 0
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  • Documentazione 4
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 5
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