Stone accents - bim

Stone accents

Pubblicato da Baptiste FERET il 22/07/2024

Produttore : POLYCOR

Catalogo Natural Stone Building Envelopes

Wall Cap: Polycor stone product is applied as a Sweep feature within the Wall System structure using a Revit Profile depicting the width and thickness of the stone cap. Cornice and Soffit: Polycor sto...

Wall Cap: Polycor stone product is applied as a Sweep feature within the Wall System structure using a Revit Profile depicting the width and thickness of the stone cap. Cornice and Soffit: Polycor stone product is applied as a Wall Sweep Family to a wall. A Revit Profile is used to represent the profile of the cornice or soffit. Wall Base: Polycor stone product is applied as a Sweep feature within the Wall System structure using a Revit Profile depicting the height and thickness of the wall base.

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  • Informazioni
  • Foto 0
  • Modelli 3D 0
  • Modelli 2D
  • Documentazione 13
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 1
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