Stone wall tile - bim

Stone wall tile

Pubblicato da Baptiste FERET il 22/07/2024

Produttore : POLYCOR

Catalogo Natural Stone Interiors

Walls come in all sizes, and so do our natural stone wall tiles. Marble, granite and limestone tiles can be cut to any size, and with a wide variety of finishes, to enhance any space. Antiqued, leathe...

Walls come in all sizes, and so do our natural stone wall tiles. Marble, granite and limestone tiles can be cut to any size, and with a wide variety of finishes, to enhance any space. Antiqued, leathered, honed, flamed and polished stone wall tiles are just a sampling of the tailored textures that can be achieved with our materials. Always free of any dyes or chemicals, these wall tiles are made just as nature intended – by the earth and for the earth. Let the beauty and timelessness of natural stone liven up your living spaces.

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  • Informazioni
  • Foto 0
  • Modelli 3D 0
  • Modelli 2D
  • Documentazione 12
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 6
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