DriPak NX - bim

DriPak NX

Pubblicato da BIM& CO da Eurovent il 13/10/2023

Produttore : AAF

The DriPak NX/NX+ pocket filter offers best-in-class performance on energy efficiency and ease of installation based on a unique combination of high-tech filter material, pocket design and ergonomic h...

The DriPak NX/NX+ pocket filter offers best-in-class performance on energy efficiency and ease of installation based on a unique combination of high-tech filter material, pocket design and ergonomic header construction. The air filter can be used for a wide variety of applications, ranging from final filtration for office buildings to pre-filtration for sensitive processes. With DriPak NX, high indoor air quality, environmental savings and low operating costs go hand in hand. | Certified by Eurovent - Delivered par Prodbim

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