Swing gate AQUILON® - bim

Swing gate AQUILON®

Pubblicato da Baptiste FERET il 09/12/2021

Produttore : LIPPI

The range of AQUILON® swing gates offers a wide choice of passageways (from 1m to 10m) to cover a maximum of needs: pedestrian access, light or heavy vehicles. The AQUILON® swing gates are delivered w...

The range of AQUILON® swing gates offers a wide choice of passageways (from 1m to 10m) to cover a maximum of needs: pedestrian access, light or heavy vehicles. The AQUILON® swing gates are delivered with all the components necessary for their automation. A complete offer, easy and quick to start.

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  • Foto 2
  • Modelli 3D 1
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  • Documentazione 1
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 4
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Landscaping_Gates_Lippi_Aquilon_Battant_Double.rfa1.07 MB Revit - 2018400 Baptiste FERET
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  • Portoni


  • G204001 - Fences & Gates

OmniClass Table 23

  • 23-11 25 19 - Fences


  • 32 31 00 - Fences and Gates