THEO CITY - Mixer shower column - bim

THEO CITY - Mixer shower column

Pubblicato da Bertrand BEUDOT il 27/12/2018

Produttore : Griferías Galindo

Catalogo Mezcladores

Urban and demanding, the new Theo is an elegant tap with sustainable commitment provided with the flowing system ecosystem of Galindo Taps. A collection that adapts perfectly to current environments o...

Urban and demanding, the new Theo is an elegant tap with sustainable commitment provided with the flowing system ecosystem of Galindo Taps. A collection that adapts perfectly to current environments of all kinds of decorative styles. The THEO CITY collection has a wide variety of pieces to suit all consumer needs. Series designed by Galindo's team.

Leggi più Ridurre
baños bathroom fontanería grifería grifería con ahorro de agua grifería de diseño toilet
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