ALBOS - Bidet tap mixer - bim

ALBOS - Bidet tap mixer

Pubblicato da Bertrand BEUDOT il 28/12/2018

Produttore : Griferías Galindo

Catalogo Mezcladores

ALBOS series essentially redesigns the definition of the traditional single lever mixer. It is a collection of practical, resistant and functional single-use taps that has been designed with new shape...

ALBOS series essentially redesigns the definition of the traditional single lever mixer. It is a collection of practical, resistant and functional single-use taps that has been designed with new shapes to decorate the space with distinction. The combination of curvatures and straight lines bestows on its figure a unique piece. The small details are important.

Leggi più Ridurre
baños bathroom fontanería grifería grifería con ahorro de agua grifería de diseño toilet
  • Informazioni
  • Foto 2
  • Modelli 3D 1
  • Modelli 2D
  • Documentazione 1
  • Proprietà & Varianti 21
  • Classificazioni 5
  • Paesi di distribuzione 11
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Albos_monomando_bidet_repisa_7127000.rfa992.00 KB Revit - 2018400 Bertrand BEUDOT
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Proprietà oggetti Bim


  • Miscelatore

OmniClass Table 23

  • 23-31 31 00 - Drinking Fountains


  • D201010 - Drinking Fountains and Coolers


  • 22 31 00 - Domestic Water Softeners


  • - Terminales de fontanería