FMC (Fire dampers EIS-120) - bim

FMC (Fire dampers EIS-120)

Pubblicato da Raúl Galdrán da BIMETRICAL il 09/01/2018

Produttore : Madel


The fire dampers FMC-EIS-120 work as a separator between two sectors of fire and ensure the same fire resistance that the structural elements of compartmentalisation, which limits the risk of spreadin...

The fire dampers FMC-EIS-120 work as a separator between two sectors of fire and ensure the same fire resistance that the structural elements of compartmentalisation, which limits the risk of spreading of fire by interior of the building.

Leggi più Ridurre
air climatización compuerta cortafuego eis-120 fire damper fuego hvac madel mep
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