Access Panel GL100 - GL300 - bim

Access Panel GL100 - GL300

Pubblicato da Marie-Anne Demay il 23/01/2017

Produttore : Manthorpe Building Products

Manthorpe plastic access panel range allows for quick and simple entry to concealed plumbing, electrics and other utilities. The modular designs allow for installation in a matter of minutes and the f...

Manthorpe plastic access panel range allows for quick and simple entry to concealed plumbing, electrics and other utilities. The modular designs allow for installation in a matter of minutes and the flush-fit finish means they will never look out of place in a modern kitchen or bathroom. Manthorpe Access Panels provide a cost effective solution for easy access to: Soil / waste pipes Electric wiring systems Fuse boxes / switches Controls / connection links Valves / stopcocks / plumbing

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  • Documentazione 18
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  • Classificazioni 1
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