G930 Airbrick - bim

G930 Airbrick

Pubblicato da Marie-Anne Demay il 23/01/2017

Produttore : Manthorpe Building Products

The Manthorpe G930 Airbrick has been designed to provide high levels of ventilation into cavity walls and under floor voids. The brick incorporates a front mounted grille with water deflectors. A mort...

The Manthorpe G930 Airbrick has been designed to provide high levels of ventilation into cavity walls and under floor voids. The brick incorporates a front mounted grille with water deflectors. A mortar key around the edge of the airbrick ensures it can be securely fixed to the building fabric and a clip together facility provides a choice of ventilation sizes. The product is suitable for use with gas appliances.

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air airbrick ventilation
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