Extra flat fan box BFSA - bim

Extra flat fan box BFSA

Pubblicato da Baptiste FERET il 28/09/2023

Produttore : CAIROX

Catalogo Fans

The extra-flat, sound-insulated 25 mm (BFSA-I) or standard (BFSA) fan boxes are specially designed to meet dimensional and acoustic constraints. The BFSA is used for extraction or insufflation in ter...

The extra-flat, sound-insulated 25 mm (BFSA-I) or standard (BFSA) fan boxes are specially designed to meet dimensional and acoustic constraints. The BFSA is used for extraction or insufflation in tertiary sector buildings or small technical rooms. Designed for ceiling installation, it is also compatible with external installation. It is fitted with circular joints from 125 to 400 mm and an integrated disconnector as standard

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