Detailed information about the manufacturer CHERUBINI S.p.A.

Cherubini Group, produttore di motori elettrici per tende da sole, avvolgibili e screen e di accessori meccanici per tende da sole, avvolgibili, screen e veneziane.

CHERUBINI S.p.A. is present in 5 countries and 2 continents.





CHERUBINI S.p.A. Bedizzole BS

via Adige, 55
25081 Bedizzole BS

They work for us

Fausto Azzoni


12 products

Paolo Milani


16 products

Bim&Co Italia

3527 products

Valentina Bertolini

Communication & Brand ID

0 products

Bastien Jean

Content Manager

15625 products

Nino Mazza


36 products

Claudio Barluzzi

Bim Sales Manager

21 products

Rémy Maurcot

BIM Product Manager

2384 products

Baptiste FERET

BIM Modeler

1312 products

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