Veröffentlicht von Bim&Co Italia am 24.08.2021

Hersteller: Tecnica S.r.L

Katalog Tubi ventilazione

Flexible hose produced with exclusive technology by TECNICA SRL made of: - Addivated polyolefin resins film with anti-bacterial and anti-mildew master. - Thermo-insulating coating in netted and closed...

Flexible hose produced with exclusive technology by TECNICA SRL made of: - Addivated polyolefin resins film with anti-bacterial and anti-mildew master. - Thermo-insulating coating in netted and closed-cell of polyethylene foam. - External protection in addivated polyolefin resins film. - Embedded steel wire helix. - Thermo-insulating covering in polyester fibre (th. 25mm-16kg/m3). - Outer aluminized polyolefin film protection (flame retardant). The assembly of materials for the construction of the flexible conduit does not require the use of chemical agents, glues or adhesives. Insulation: 25mm / 16kg/m3 - standard 50mm / 16kg/m3 - on request Thermal resistivity at 20°C R = 0,66m2 K/W (UNI EN 12664:2002)

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air_quality alluminio_isolato antibatterico_ breeam condizionamento espanso green_building hvac iaq indoor leed mastersan monoflex mono_strato pvc_ sanificati tesp ventilazione meccanica vmc well
  • Informationen
  • Fotos 1
  • 3D-Modelle
  • 2D-Modelle
  • Dokumentation 3
  • Eigenschaften & Varianten 13
  • Klassifzierungen 1
  • Vertriebsländer 33
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Gespeicherte Dokumente auf BIM&CO

DokumentennameTypSprache des Dokuments
Scheda tecnica SA10ESP THERMTechnisches DatenblattAlternate TextAlternate Text
SA10ESP THERM Technical DataTechnisches DatenblattAlternate TextAlternate Text
Flexible hoses drawing instructionsBedienungsanleitungAlternate TextAlternate Text

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  • HVAC Luftschacht