SVA-R (Rectangular VAV dampers) - bim

SVA-R (Rectangular VAV dampers)

Gepubliceerd door Raúl Galdrán van BIMETRICAL op 8-1-2018

Fabrikant : Madel


Rectangular air flow damper for Variable Air Volume (VAV) installations. The SVA-R dampers are used to adjust the air flow to a bypass or a room based on a 0-10 V signal provided by a controller of te...

Rectangular air flow damper for Variable Air Volume (VAV) installations. The SVA-R dampers are used to adjust the air flow to a bypass or a room based on a 0-10 V signal provided by a controller of temperature. The command signal sent by the controller of the room, position the actuator to control the flow of the need the enclosure. You can change a posteriori the flow Vmin and Vmax using a remote control.

Meer bekijken Verkleinen
air air volume climatización compuerta damper ducts hvac madel mep rectangular regulación
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  • Documentatie 4
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BestandsnaamExtensieAfmetingSoftwareprogrammaDetailniveauGeüpload door

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