VariCel VXLE - bim

VariCel VXLE

Gepubliceerd door BIM& CO van Eurovent op 13-10-2023

Fabrikant : AAF

The VariCel VXLE compact filter is designed to provide excellent performance and high energy savings for both industrial and commercial HVAC installations. This filter is able to effectively reduce en...

The VariCel VXLE compact filter is designed to provide excellent performance and high energy savings for both industrial and commercial HVAC installations. This filter is able to effectively reduce energy consumption and the carbon dioxide footprint of installations. The VariCel VXLE filter’s sturdy and lightweight construction means that it is not only less susceptible to damage, but also easy to install and replace. | Certified by Eurovent - Delivered par Prodbim

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  • Informatie
  • Foto's 1
  • 3D-modellen
  • 2D-modellen
  • Documentatie 5
  • Eigenschappen & variaties 0
  • Klasseringen 1
  • Land van verkoop 0
BestandsnaamExtensieAfmetingSoftwareprogrammaDetailniveauGeüpload door
BestandsnaamExtensieAfmetingSoftwareprogrammaDetailniveauGeüpload door

In de database van BIM&CO opgeslagen documenten

DocumentnaamTypeTaal van het document
VariCel VXLE_V-Bank Filter_BAlternate TextAlternate Text
20230330 AAF Product leaflet VariCel VXLE (EN)Alternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel VXLE_V-Bank FilterAlternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel V XLE_592x592x292mm_20mm headerAlternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel V XLE_592x592x292mm_25mm headerAlternate TextAlternate Text

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Eigenschappen van het object


  • [FIL/AIR FILTER]Air filter