VariCel II - bim

VariCel II

Gepubliceerd door BIM& CO van Eurovent op 13-10-2023

Fabrikant : AAF

When installation space is limited and high quality air filtration is required, the Varicel II filter is the solution. This low depth, lightweight filter is available in EN779:2012 classification rang...

When installation space is limited and high quality air filtration is required, the Varicel II filter is the solution. This low depth, lightweight filter is available in EN779:2012 classification ranges M6, F7 and F8. It displays low media resistance which means low energy consumption. Due to its lightweight and low depth it is economic to ship and store compared to other heavier, bulkier types of filter. The VariCel II filter is suitable for use in front IIand rear HVAC installations. For side access installation VariCel II SHF is recommended. The filter is also suitable for use in variable air volume systems and can withstand repeated fan shut down and turbulent airflow. It can resist intermittent exposure to water and provides excellent performance in conditions of high relative humidity. | Certified by Eurovent - Delivered par Prodbim

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In de database van BIM&CO opgeslagen documenten

DocumentnaamTypeTaal van het document
VariCel II_Compact Filter_BAlternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel II_Compact FilterAlternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel II_592x592x108_Single header_20mmAlternate TextAlternate Text
VariCel II_592x592x108_Single header_25mmAlternate TextAlternate Text

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Eigenschappen van het object


  • [FIL/AIR FILTER]Air filter