Hacierco® 4.222.56 - bim

Hacierco® 4.222.56

Pubblicato da BIM& CO il 17/02/2023

Produttore : ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Catalogo Roof deck profiles & liner trays

One of the most common roof decking profiles with a height of 56 mm and a cover width of 890 mm. The steel sheet has four ribs at distance of 222.5 mm and a longitudinal stiffener in the upper flange, ...

One of the most common roof decking profiles with a height of 56 mm and a cover width of 890 mm. The steel sheet has four ribs at distance of 222.5 mm and a longitudinal stiffener in the upper flange, which can be punctured or perforated. In addition, the profile can be fully perforated with a 15 % hole pattern.

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