Trapeza® 35/207 T - bim

Trapeza® 35/207 T

Pubblicato da BIM& CO il 04/11/2022

Produttore : ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Catalogo Roof profiles

The low trapezoidal profile Trapeza® 35/207 T can be applied as the steel roof profile in roof structures with thermal insulation, or to cover non-insulated spaces. With the stock width of 1035 mm and ...

The low trapezoidal profile Trapeza® 35/207 T can be applied as the steel roof profile in roof structures with thermal insulation, or to cover non-insulated spaces. With the stock width of 1035 mm and the height of 35 mm it is the trapezoidal profile with good load capacity and the good utilization of the material.

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  • Documentazione 31
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