Trapeza® 40/160 T - bim

Trapeza® 40/160 T

Pubblicato da BIM& CO il 04/11/2022

Produttore : ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Catalogo Roof deck profiles & liner trays

Trapeza® 40/160 T is the universal symmetric trapezoidal profile with depressions on waves of 40 mm for higher load capacity and with the stock width of 960 mm it is suitable to be applied as the deck ...

Trapeza® 40/160 T is the universal symmetric trapezoidal profile with depressions on waves of 40 mm for higher load capacity and with the stock width of 960 mm it is suitable to be applied as the decking in layered roof structures, or at non-insulated steel roofs, usually placed on the secondary load bearing roof structure (purlins). For this trapezoidal profile is possible additional production of self-supporting steel arches.

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