Cofrasol 55/250 - bim

Cofrasol 55/250

Pubblicato da BIM& CO il 04/11/2022

Produttore : ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Catalogo Lost shutterings

Cofrasol 55/250 is used as lost shuttering during pouring of concrete, therefore the trapezoidal profile doesn’t contribute to the bearing capacity of the slab when the concrete is dried. Fast and eas ...

Cofrasol 55/250 is used as lost shuttering during pouring of concrete, therefore the trapezoidal profile doesn’t contribute to the bearing capacity of the slab when the concrete is dried. Fast and easy to install, Cofrasol 55/250 can be used in new building or renovation project. It can be installed with all types of structure (concrete, steel, wood…)

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  • Modelli 3D 0
  • Modelli 2D 0
  • Documentazione 33
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 1
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