Hacierco® 3.250.165 - bim

Hacierco® 3.250.165

Publié par BIM& CO le 05/10/2022

Fabricant : ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Catalogue : Roof deck profiles & liner trays

This long span roof deck is dedicated to a direct installation on the main structural elements like portal frames. The 165 mm high steel profile permits to span from 7.30 m with the lowest steel thick...

This long span roof deck is dedicated to a direct installation on the main structural elements like portal frames. The 165 mm high steel profile permits to span from 7.30 m with the lowest steel thickness up to 9.05 m for the thickest sheet providing a cover width of 750 mm. Eliminating typical sub-structure like purlins, the roof decking enables efficient and economical roof constructions with a fast installation process suitable for many building types.

En voir plus Réduire
  • Informations
  • Photos 4
  • Modèles 3D 4
  • Modèles 2D 1
  • Documentation 35
  • Propriétés & Variations 12
  • Classifications 1
  • Pays de distribution 0
Nom de fichierExtensionTailleLogicielNiveau de détailUploadé par
Hacierco® 3.250.165_Pose horizontale_LOD 100.rfa448.00 KB Revit - 2018- BIM& CO
Hacierco® 3.250.165_Pose horizontale_LOD 300.rfa812.00 KB Revit - 2018- BIM& CO
Hacierco® 3.250.165_Pose verticale_LOD 300.rfa872.00 KB Revit - 2018- BIM& CO
Hacierco® 3.250.165_Pose verticale_LOD 100.rfa448.00 KB Revit - 2018- BIM& CO
Nom de fichierExtensionTailleLogicielNiveau de détailUploadé par
Hacierco 160_250HL.dwg30.30 KB AutoCAD - 2020- BIM& CO

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