Frangisole - Embassy - Single Panel - bim

Frangisole - Embassy - Single Panel

Publicado por Bastien Jean de TraceParts el 16/03/2016



The systems in sliding sunshades are a solution to the problems of excessive solar radiation and shielding , allowing the full enjoyment of solar free winter and preventing the entry of direct sunligh...

The systems in sliding sunshades are a solution to the problems of excessive solar radiation and shielding , allowing the full enjoyment of solar free winter and preventing the entry of direct sunlight in the summer , while still maintaining the right level of natural lighting inside environment .

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  • Informaciones
  • Fotos 0
  • Modelos 3D 4
  • Modelos 2D
  • Documentación 7
  • Propiedades y Variantes 11
  • Clasificaciones 1
  • Paises de distribución 4
Nombre de FicheroExtensiónTamañoProgramaNivel de detalleCargado por
frangisole_-_embassy_-_single_panel.dae18.92 KB COLLADA - 1.5.0400 Bastien Jean
frangisole_-_embassy_-_single_panel.obj13.95 KB - 400 Bastien Jean
Punto_Persiane_Oscuranti_scorrevoli_Embassy_Pannello_singolo.rfa424.00 KB Revit - 2014400 Bastien Jean
PuntoPersiane-Oscurantiscorrevoli-Embassy-Pannellosingolo3D.dwg26.73 KB AutoCad - 2013400 Bastien Jean
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