Inquadra Blokko FM Window - bim

Inquadra Blokko FM Window

Publicado por ENEA GRAVA el 13/06/2018

Fabricante : DE FAVERI srl

INQUADRA BLOKKO FM shutter consists of a high-density EPS body with 0.035 W/m²k lambda, for a total thickness of 100mm. The PVC ledge profile of the frame has been designed to accommodate a self-expan...

INQUADRA BLOKKO FM shutter consists of a high-density EPS body with 0.035 W/m²k lambda, for a total thickness of 100mm. The PVC ledge profile of the frame has been designed to accommodate a self-expanding seal to lay the frame on and a net on the opposite side, to prevent micro-hair cracks between the profile and the levelling. The system provides for aligning the shoulder with the crosspiece and the 4th side, with the advantage of making the window opening in a regular shape. The fixing method uses suitably sized brackets and can only be bolted. After laying, INQUADRA BLOKKO only needs final smoothing, making it level with the façade. INQUADRA BLOKKO FM shutter uses BLOKKO made with very high density and low conductivity material, 0.046 w/m²k lambda, that allows perfect anchoring of the De Faveri customised hinge. In standard configuration, the shoulders have 4 BLOKKOs for the window (2+2) and 6 BLOKKOs for the French window (3+3); a high-density profile is inserted for the whole length of the crosspiece, to position the espagnolette lock. Correct fitting of the hinge is guaranteed by the clamp. The 4th DF side completes the solution.

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  • Informaciones
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  • Modelos 3D 26
  • Modelos 2D 6
  • Documentación 3
  • Propiedades y Variantes 9
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Inquadra Blokk - Window 1 wing.rfa724.00 KB Revit - 2014400 ENEA GRAVA
Inquadra Blokk - Window 2 wings.rfa768.00 KB Revit - 2014400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1000x1200_skp.skp229.63 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1400_skp.skp229.62 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1800_skp.skp230.49 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1000x1200_skp.skp235.81 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1400_skp.skp236.10 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1800_skp.skp236.89 KB SketchUp - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1400_ifc.ifc326.90 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1800_ifc.ifc328.54 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1800_ifc.ifc309.90 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1000x1200_ifc.ifc327.52 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1000x1200_ifc.ifc311.26 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1400_ifc.ifc309.69 KB IFC - 2x3400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1400_fbx.fbx101.05 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1800_fbx.fbx100.83 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1000x1200_fbx.fbx103.06 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1400_fbx.fbx103.16 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1800_fbx.fbx102.83 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1000x1200_fbx.fbx101.25 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1400_dwg.dwg228.89 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1800_dwg.dwg229.01 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1000x1200_dwg.dwg238.17 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1400_dwg.dwg237.56 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1800_dwg.dwg238.19 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri _Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1000x1200_dwg.dwg229.32 KB AutoCad - 2004400 ENEA GRAVA
Nombre de FicheroExtensiónTamañoProgramaNivel de detalleCargado por
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1400_dxf.dxf944.14 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1400x1800_dxf.dxf943.01 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1800_dxf.dxf894.08 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window2_1000x1200_dxf.dxf946.01 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1000x1200_dxf.dxf896.21 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA
DeFaveri_Inquadra-Blokko_filo_muro_Window1_1400x1400_dxf.dxf894.02 KB - 400 ENEA GRAVA

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FORIEDILE INQUADRA BLOKKO FM.pdfFicha técnicaAlternate TextAlternate Text
ASS&POSA INQUADRA BLOKKO.pdfGuía de instalaciónAlternate TextAlternate Text
Catalogo 2017 - Pag.144-145 - Inquadra Blokko.pdfCatálogoAlternate TextAlternate Text

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Propiedades de objeto BIM


  • 08 56 88 - Interior Insulating Windows


  • B2020 - Exterior Windows


  • Accesorios de ventanas

OmniClass Table 23

  • 23-17 13 11 11 - Window Sections


  • Ss_25_30_95_26 - External window systems