Nerba 3.45.1000 B - bim

Nerba 3.45.1000 B

Publicado por Bastien Jean el 05/03/2018

Fabricante : SPO

Catálogo Bardage

S P O (Société Profilage Ouest) Manufactures and sells steel ribbed plates, with galvanized or painted surfaces, these steel covers are made for covering and facads of industrial and agriculture build...

S P O (Société Profilage Ouest) Manufactures and sells steel ribbed plates, with galvanized or painted surfaces, these steel covers are made for covering and facads of industrial and agriculture buildings.

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  • Informaciones
  • Fotos 6
  • Modelos 3D 12
  • Modelos 2D 2
  • Documentación 2
  • Propiedades y Variantes 9
  • Clasificaciones 4
  • Paises de distribución 1
Nombre de FicheroExtensiónTamañoProgramaNivel de detalleCargado por
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D-T-FBLR.rfa380.00 KB Revit - 2018300 Baptiste FERET
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.3dm25.44 KB Rhinoceros - 7300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.aof97.39 KB Artlantis Studio - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.c4d60.50 KB Cinema 4D - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.dae49.51 KB COLLADA - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.max200.00 KB 3D Studio Max - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.mcd167.14 KB - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.obj28.11 KB - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.obj28.11 KB - - Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.skp401.38 KB SketchUp - 300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.vwx226.85 KB Vectorworks - -300 Bastien Jean
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B-3D.3ds10.51 KB - 300 Bastien Jean
Nombre de FicheroExtensiónTamañoProgramaNivel de detalleCargado por
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B.dwg570.75 KB AutoCad - 300 Baptiste FERET
SPO-Nerba_3.45.1000_B.dxf3.04 MB AutoCad - 300 Baptiste FERET

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  • Revestimiento

OmniClass Table 23

  • 23-13 37 15 11 - Metal Exterior Siding


  • B2010 - Exterior Walls


  • 07 64 00 - Sheet Metal Wall Cladding