Hacierco® 153/290 - bim

Hacierco® 153/290

Veröffentlicht von BIM& CO am 04.11.2022

Hersteller: ArcelorMittal Construction Slovakia

Katalog Roof deck profiles & liner trays

Hacierco®153/290 is the trapezoidal profile with the high load capacity for the application in flat roofs structures of industrial and commercial hall objects, or in civic amenities buildings. With th ...

Hacierco®153/290 is the trapezoidal profile with the high load capacity for the application in flat roofs structures of industrial and commercial hall objects, or in civic amenities buildings. With the height of the trapezoidal sheet of 153 mm is its stock width 870 mm, therefor in many projects it is more economical option to the trapezoidal profile Hacierco® 160/250HL.

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