LOF & LAIF (Fixed linear slot diffusers with minimized frame)

Veröffentlicht von Raúl Galdrán von BIMETRICAL am 26.01.2018

Hersteller: Madel


The LOF&LAIF series fixed linear slot diffusers are designed to combine the aesthetics with the technical performance. They can be mounted in false ceilings or suspended from the ceiling. They allow t...

The LOF&LAIF series fixed linear slot diffusers are designed to combine the aesthetics with the technical performance. They can be mounted in false ceilings or suspended from the ceiling. They allow the formation of diffuser continuous lines, with active and inactive areas, without breaking the uniformity of the whole. They are suitable both for supply and return. Fixed slots for air supply with ceiling effect in 1-way or 2-way depending on the model.

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air air conditioning climatización diffuser difusor fijo fixed hvac lineal linear madel marco mep minimizado slot
  • Informationen
  • Fotos 0
  • 3D-Modelle 0
  • 2D-Modelle
  • Dokumentation 4
  • Eigenschaften & Varianten 0
  • Klassifzierungen 5
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