Stone trim - bim

Stone trim

Veröffentlicht von Baptiste FERET am 22.07.2024

Hersteller: POLYCOR

Katalog Natural Stone Building Envelopes

Polycor Hardscapes and Masonry trims work to protect against water damage and add an accent band to any residential or commercial window or thin veneer wall project. Choosing Polycor stone trims adds ...

Polycor Hardscapes and Masonry trims work to protect against water damage and add an accent band to any residential or commercial window or thin veneer wall project. Choosing Polycor stone trims adds a timeless complement to your design for a truly tailored look.

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jamb lintel natural_stone stone threshold window_sill
  • Informationen
  • Fotos 0
  • 3D-Modelle 0
  • 2D-Modelle
  • Dokumentation 15
  • Eigenschaften & Varianten 0
  • Klassifzierungen 5
  • Vertriebsländer
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