Mozart 68 - French Door 1 wing - bim

Mozart 68 - French Door 1 wing

Veröffentlicht von Bim&Co Italia am 14.07.2016

Hersteller: Italserramenti

Katalog Legno - Mozart 68

Rounded wood frame, featuring a pure, elegant design, conceived for those who prefer natural materials. The perfect combination of the highest technical standards and an excellent quality-price ratio....

Rounded wood frame, featuring a pure, elegant design, conceived for those who prefer natural materials. The perfect combination of the highest technical standards and an excellent quality-price ratio. The three sections can accommodate standard or laminated double or triple glazing. The various solutions and the wide range of finishes make Mozart suitable for any interior design, from classic to modern.

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1 wing 68 door french infisso legno alluminio mozart portafinestra serramento
  • Informationen
  • Fotos 1
  • 3D-Modelle 1
  • 2D-Modelle
  • Dokumentation 2
  • Eigenschaften & Varianten 17
  • Klassifzierungen 4
  • Vertriebsländer 4
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Italserramenti-Mozart 68-French door 1 wing.rfa1.66 MB Revit - 2015- Bim&Co Italia
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OmniClass Table 23

  • 23-17 13 15 - Wood Windows


  • B2020 - Exterior Windows


  • 08 52 00 - Wood Windows