Pyramida® 10.75.35 - bim

Pyramida® 10.75.35

Veröffentlicht von BIM& CO am 18.09.2023

Hersteller: ArcelorMittal Construction United Kingdom

Katalog Traditional wall profiles

The Pyramida® 10.75.35 profile is a triangular wave cladding metal profile in pre-painted, stainless steel or Kristal steel with a rib height of 33.5mm. Resolutely trendy, this steel profile is a cont...

The Pyramida® 10.75.35 profile is a triangular wave cladding metal profile in pre-painted, stainless steel or Kristal steel with a rib height of 33.5mm. Resolutely trendy, this steel profile is a contemporary façade profile that combines technicality and architectural creativity.

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