Kerakoll continues its digitisation by uploading systems to BIM&CO

In December Kerakoll Group’s new online catalogue was launched. On this occasion, it focuses on industry professionals by leveraging the online 3D cataloguing service and offering access to additional technical information in a dedicated area directly on the BIM&CO site.

Kerakoll is the international leader in sustainable building

What sector does Kerakoll operate in and what could be considered the main elements of your production?

Kerakoll is the first company in the world to offer a global solution in materials and services for sustainable building. The goal is to build and live in harmony with the environment. In particular, thanks to laying systems. They are developed for waterproofing, restoration and structural reinforcement, for interior decoration and for thermal insulation.

From 1968 to today, designing tomorrow, with the same passion as yesterday

Since 1968 – when the Group was founded in Sassuolo, Italy – Kerakoll has grown enormously in the national and international building construction market, culminating in its current leadership position in sustainable building, with acknowledged technological supremacy.

Evidence of its evolution can be seen in the trend of its turnover. As has been noted, it has risen from around € 11 million in 1990 to over € 600 million. It can also be seen in terms of employment. Indeed, the number of employees has risen to over 2 400 in 17 production plants. Not to mention with a presence in 12 countries!

Interview with Marco Pavesi, Corporate Product Manager of the Kerakoll Group

Today we interviewed Marco Pavesi, Corporate Product Manager of the Kerakoll Group. He explained how the company came to understand the importance of the services offered by the BIM&CO digital platform. Furthermore, with an emphasis on how necessary it is nowadays to invest in digital and technological innovation.

In addition to product-related innovation, in recent years digitalisation and, most recently, the BIM library have represented a big step forward for Kerakoll in the construction sector. This is why the company saw the possibility of publishing the catalogue online, in digital form on an international platform. This additional service could provide to all of its stakeholders.

In your experience, what are the main brakes blocking companies from investing in online cataloguing? What are the widespread fears and misunderstandings on the subject?

What can prevent companies from investing in digital cataloguing, is the difficulty to correctly identify the return on investment and to understand how to maximise it. Which is not easily correlated to the final sale of products. 

"KlimaExpert ETA Air" BIM object

Digitalisation : a new and necessary direction for the construction industry

What were your fears at the idea of digitalising your current catalogue in order to create a BIM library?

In our DNA we have an openness to novelty and new challenges. At the same time, we are aware that it will take some time for all designers and companies to understand the importance of this digital transition.

Firstly, we started by analysing our catalogue and our systems. We wanted to understand what the priorities were in terms of digitisation. Then, we then identified what information and documentation was needed to be transmitted via BIM objects. Then we moved on to the realisation of the digital objects thanks to the collaboration with One Team. This acted as our link with the BIM&CO team of TraceParts Italia. The whole thing took about eight months.

Although the world of construction is historically a sector where digitalisation is very low, in recent years we are definitely starting to see a change in this direction. Kerakoll has kick-started its investment in digital by also creating a digital platform called Genius Lab Building Platform with the aim of bringing artificial intelligence to construction sites, enabling professionals to manage data and information on their own construction sites. In this same direction, the company has directed its efforts on online cataloguing. With the intention of providing valuable support for customers quickly and efficiently!

More on Genius Lab

Genius Lab is a digital platform that allows the user to come into direct contact with Kerakoll’s solutions and services. As a matter of fact, the users have the possibility to manage projects in a single working environment. They can perform a quick and efficient configuration of each individual building site, in relation to the interventions they wish to design. Thanks to this platform it is possible to define the specific technical solution and immediately verify the economic feasibility of the intervention. That is, with the guided compilation of the Kerakoll cycles that can be used and pre-entered.

Guaranteeing long-term success in sales, visibility and product usability

The tools for compatibility of the various CAD formats on the platform, the multi-language interface, in addition to the 24/24 accessibility of the catalogue are definitely a tool for approaching customers, supporting them and having better long-term success in sales, visibility and usability of one’s own products available online.

In addition, having a statistics control and verification tool that allows real-time access to who is downloading, when and from where, is a strong point compared to the competition and a support to the sales network. 

Marco Pavesi adds: “Today it is increasingly essential to provide a certain type of 24-hour service. Especially when it comes to digital tools. In addition, the presence on an international platform allows us to have complete visibility on all markets. Obviously, this allows us to help our sales force to have an extra argument. As can be seen, it is easier to realise certain sales, to increase the level of service and to meet new potential customers.”

All in all, we would like to thank the Kerakoll Group and Marco Pavesi for taking the time to answer all of our questions. As well as for the trust they have shown in our team of experts and in our technological tools. We hope that all the work done on the catalogue and all future investments will be a new opportunity for growth and success. Thank you Kerakoll!

"Laminato No Limits" BIM Object

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