Manufacturers Integrated BIM tools & services for digital distribution

Run your own brand BIM Objects library to connect with your clients throughout the building lifecycle! Entrust us with the care of your data and objects and we will make them available, compatible and easy to use in any software.

Reach thousands of architects, engineers & builders.

Our solutions for manufacturers bring together a powerful set of tools and services to support the digitalisation of your product catalogue, allowing simplified BIM data management and distribution for the AEC industry. Raise your brand awareness and visibility, build strong customer relations, get specified in the BIM models, and help your clients gain a competitive advantage.

Don’t wait any longer, create your Manufacturer page now!

Onfly for manufacturers

Onfly is a cloud application to structure & manage your building products data, allowing seamless content sharing within your team (including .rfa, .dwg, images, pdf, xls…), without requiring any BIM software. Take advantage of a leading technology to simplify the management of your products digital twins and maintain your data always up to date for all your clients. downloading platform enables product data distribution at each step of the construction process, from design to maintenance. It is compatible with any BIM software, allowing all AEC stakeholders to easily access your shared content and incorporate your products into their building projects from the early design phases.

This gives your products great visibility, helping you find new clients worldwide.


Increase your digital presence

Publish and manage your product catalogue from your company page, distribute your content through multiple channels and get metrics on your products’ usage. Share your content and data with design software, calculation and simulation software, BIM project platforms and more, from a single trusted public source of information.